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Test Your .NET 9 Clean Architecture Layer Dependencies with This Simple & Powerful Test!

Part 6️⃣ - Create UnitTest | ๐Ÿ›’ Build .NET 8 eCommerce Microservice ๐Ÿš€with API Gateway, Rate Limiting, Caching & more ๐Ÿงบ


Unit Testing OrdersController in .NET 8 Web API with FakeItEasy and FluentAssertions - OrdersControllerTest.cs

In this tutorial, we explore how to unit test the OrdersController in a .NET 8 Web API project. By leveraging the power of FakeItEasy for mocking dependencies and FluentAssertions for writing expressive assertions, we ensure that our controller behaves as expected. We'll cover various scenarios to validate the controller's actions, including retrieving client orders and order details. Here’s what we’ll cover:

1. Setting Up the Test Environment

We'll start by configuring our test environment. Using FakeItEasy, we create mock instances of our service dependencies, and we initialize the OrdersController with these mocks.

2. Testing GetClientOrders Action

  • Valid Client ID: We'll verify that when a valid client ID is provided, the controller returns an OK result with the expected list of orders.
  • No Orders Found: We'll handle the scenario where no orders are found for the given client ID, ensuring the controller returns a NotFound result.

3. Testing GetOrderDetails Action

  • Valid Order ID: We’ll ensure that the controller correctly retrieves and returns the order details for a valid order ID, resulting in an OK response.
  • Invalid Order ID: We'll test the case where an invalid order ID is supplied, expecting a BadRequest result with an appropriate error message.
  • No Order Found: We'll check how the controller handles a scenario where no order details are found for the given order ID, ensuring a NotFound response is returned.

Unit Testing OrderService in .NET 8 Web API with FakeItEasy and FluentAssertions -OrderServiceTest.cs

In this tutorial, we delve into unit testing the OrderService in a .NET 8 Web API project. Using FakeItEasy for mocking dependencies and FluentAssertions for writing expressive assertions, we ensure our service methods perform as expected. We will cover scenarios to validate the service's behavior, including retrieving products and client orders. Here’s what we’ll cover:

1. Setting Up the Test Environment

We'll start by configuring our test environment. Using FakeItEasy, we create mock instances of our service dependencies, such as the IOrder interface, and initialize the OrderService with these mocks.

2. Creating Fake HTTP Clients

To simulate HTTP requests, we’ll create a fake HttpClient using a custom FakeHttpMessageHandler. This approach allows us to control the HTTP responses returned during the tests, ensuring consistent and predictable results.

3. Testing GetProduct Method

  • Valid Product ID: We'll verify that when a valid product ID is provided, the service correctly retrieves and returns the product details.
  • Invalid Product ID: We'll handle the scenario where an invalid product ID is supplied, ensuring the service returns null.

4. Testing GetOrdersByClientId Method

  • Client Orders Exist: We’ll ensure that the service correctly retrieves and returns the order details for a valid client ID.

Example Test Case: GetProduct_ValidProductId_ReturnsProduct

We'll ensure that when a valid product ID is provided, the GetProduct method retrieves and returns the expected product details. We use a fake HttpClient to simulate the API response, and FluentAssertions to verify the correctness of the returned product details.

By following this guide, you will be equipped to effectively unit test your OrderService, ensuring robustness and reliability in your .NET 8 Web API applications.

Comprehensive Unit Testing for ProductRepository in .NET 8 Web API - ProductRepositoryTest.cs

In this detailed tutorial, we explore unit testing for the ProductRepository in a .NET 8 Web API project. Utilizing FluentAssertions for robust assertions, we cover various scenarios to ensure the reliability and correctness of our repository methods. Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover:

1. Setting Up the Test Environment

We begin by configuring our test environment with an in-memory database using EntityFrameworkCore. This setup allows us to test our repository methods in isolation without requiring a real database.

2. Creating Products

  • When Product Already Exists: We’ll verify that the repository correctly identifies and handles scenarios where a product already exists in the database.
  • When Product Does Not Exist: We’ll ensure that the repository successfully adds a new product and returns an appropriate success response.

3. Deleting Products

  • When Product Is Found: We’ll test the deletion process, ensuring the product is removed from the database and the correct success response is returned.
  • When Product Is Not Found: We’ll handle cases where the product to be deleted does not exist, verifying that the appropriate not-found response is returned.

4. Retrieving Products by ID

  • When Product Is Found: We’ll ensure that the repository retrieves the correct product details for a valid product ID.
  • When Product Is Not Found: We’ll handle scenarios where the product ID does not exist, ensuring the repository returns null.

5. Retrieving All Products

  • When Products Are Found: We’ll verify that the repository retrieves all products from the database and returns them correctly.
  • When No Products Are Found: We’ll handle scenarios where no products exist in the database, ensuring the repository returns an empty list.

6. Retrieving Products by Criteria

  • When Product Matches Criteria: We’ll test the repository’s ability to retrieve products based on specific criteria, such as product name.
  • When No Product Matches Criteria: We’ll handle cases where no products match the specified criteria, ensuring the repository returns null.

7. Updating Products

  • When Product Is Updated Successfully: We’ll ensure the repository correctly updates the product details and returns a success response.
  • When Product Is Not Found: We’ll handle scenarios where the product to be updated does not exist, verifying that the appropriate error response is returned.

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