Master Email Confirmation in .NET 8 Web API using JWT & Identity ๐ฅ | Step-by-Step Secure Registration
Namespace and Imports The code begins by importing several libraries and namespaces essential for email sending, JWT token handling, and ASP.NET Identity, including: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity : For managing user identities in ASP.NET Core applications. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc : Provides attributes like [ApiController] and [Route] , simplifying the API controller setup. MailKit and MimeKit : Used to compose and send emails, supporting SMTP clients. Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens , System.Security.Claims , System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt : To handle JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication. AccountController Class This class is responsible for user account management, including registration, email confirmation, and login. [ApiController] and [Route("[controller]")] These attributes define the class as an API controller and set the route pattern for the endpoints. Requests to this controller will follow the route pattern based on the controller name. Register Method The ...