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Showing posts with the label Struggling with Excel in .NET 8 Blazor?๐Ÿš€Learn how to Effectively Read & Display Excel File in Blazor Application๐ŸŒŸ

Test Your .NET 9 Clean Architecture Layer Dependencies with This Simple & Powerful Test!

Struggling with Excel in .NET 8 Blazor?๐Ÿš€Learn how to Effectively Read & Display Excel File in Blazor Application๐ŸŒŸ

Reading Excel Files in a Blazor App This Blazor component allows users to upload and read Excel files, displaying the contents in an HTML table. It leverages the EPPlus library for reading Excel files and incorporates a custom file upload component from NetcodeHub . Key Features File Upload Component The component integrates NetcodeHubFileUpload , a custom file upload component designed to handle file uploads in Blazor applications. It is configured to accept only .xlsx files by setting the RequiredExtensions property to [".xlsx"] . The Multiple property is set to false , restricting the upload to a single file at a time. The ShowDisplay property is set to true , which likely displays a progress bar or some visual indicator during the upload process. The Notify event is hooked to a method called RetrieveFiles , which processes the uploaded file. Error Display Any errors encountered during ...