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๐Ÿš€ Unlock Secure APIs: Real-World ๐ŸŒ Example of Custom Middleware Authentication in .NET 8 Web API ๐Ÿ”

 We're diving into a real-world example of using Custom Middleware to authenticate users before accessing controller action methods in .NET 8 Web API. ๐Ÿ’ป Whether you're securing your API endpoints or enhancing your authentication strategy, this tutorial will give you practical insights and hands-on experience. Stay tuned as we explore the power of Custom Middleware and how it can streamline your user authentication process!


# What is Middleware?

 Middleware in the context of .NET (and web development in general) refers to software components that are assembled into an application pipeline to handle requests and responses. Each component in the pipeline can perform operations before and after invoking the next component in the pipeline. Middleware components can handle various tasks, such as authentication, logging, request processing, and response formatting.

 # Why Use Middleware?

 1. Separation of Concerns: Middleware helps in separating different concerns of your application. Each middleware component focuses on a specific aspect, such as authentication, logging, or error handling. This makes your codebase cleaner and more maintainable.

2. Modularity: Middleware components are modular and can be easily added, removed, or rearranged in the application pipeline. This flexibility allows you to customize the request-processing pipeline according to your needs.

3. Reusability: Middleware components can be reused across different applications. Once you create a middleware component for a common task, like authentication, you can use it in multiple projects without rewriting the code.

4. Centralized Request Handling: Middleware allows you to centralize the handling of cross-cutting concerns. For example, instead of adding authentication logic to every controller or action method, you can implement it once in middleware and apply it consistently across all requests.

5. Performance Optimization: Middleware can help optimize performance by handling certain tasks before they reach the controller level. For instance, middleware can quickly reject unauthorized requests, reducing the load on your application.

6. Custom Processing: Middleware gives you the power to implement custom processing logic. You can inspect, modify, or even short-circuit the request and response flows based on your application's requirements.

# Create Midleware to Intercept Recept and Check for Particular Header Key

 public class AuthMiddleware(AppDbContext appDbContext) : IMiddleware
     public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
         bool registerPath = context
         bool loginPath = context
         bool addTokenPath = context

         if (registerPath || loginPath || addTokenPath)
             await next(context);
             // Get Header
             var apiKey = context.Request
             if (apiKey != null)
                 var verifyKey = await appDbContext
                                       .FirstOrDefaultAsync(k => k.Value!
                 if (verifyKey != null)
                     await next(context);
                     await SetContext(context);
                 await SetContext(context);
     private static async Task SetContext(HttpContext context)
                .StatusCode = 401;
                .ContentType = "application/json";
         await context.Response
                     .Serialize(new ProblemDetails()
                     { Detail = "Not Authorized" }));


# Conclusion

That's a wrap, developers! Today, we learned how to leverage Custom Middleware for user authentication in .NET 8 Web API. By implementing this powerful feature, you can enhance your API's security and maintain a clean and efficient request pipeline.

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